What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade is a channel of international trading that puts people, their communities, and our environment before profits by following the nine principles below, including paying fair sustainable wages.

Producers of fair trade products are often both socially and economically marginalized. The women we work directly with have been exploited and are recovering from many forms of abuse. By working for a company that employs fair trade principles they are able to start the process of rebuilding their lives on a sustainable future that offers hope.

We are a proud member of the Fair Trade Federation and are committed to the following fair trade principles and practices in all our business decisions. 

  1. Create Opportunities for Economically and Socially Marginalized Producers
  2. Develop Transparent and Accountable Relationships
  3. Build Capacity
  4. Promote Fair Trade
  5. Pay Promptly and Fairly
  6. Support Safe and Empowering Working Conditions
  7. Ensure the Rights of Children
  8. Cultivate Environmental Stewardship
  9. Respect Cultural Identity